I have always dreaded my birthday. A yearly reminder of how time is screaming ahead whether I like it or not. So one year I decided to try and fill my entire birthday month doing one new thing a day- bonus points if it's something that scares me. It lead me to skydiving, trying stand up, horseback riding, fostering animals and, perhaps most importantly, to finally enjoying my birthday. Now, I recommend Mickvember to everyone. It forces you out of your comfort zone. It slows down time. And hell it might just lead you to some new hobby that you absolutely love. Who knows?

So you want to try your own Mickvember but don't know where to start. Here is a list of ideas for you organized by difficulty.
Easy Peasy
Try a new restaurant
Get ordained online
Try a new cocktail
Sign up for an art class
Duolingo a new language
Cook a new dish
Do a new work out class
Play a new game
Volunteer somewhere
Pickle something
Go to a museum
Explore a different town
Medium Potatium
Foster a dog/cat
Make beer (or rootbeer if you hate beer like I do.)
Get something pierced
Write a short story
Try stand up
Do poetry at an open mic
Karaoke on stage
Take a trapeze class
Try a new cuisine
Donate blood
Archery/Axe throwing etc
Hard Chard
Horseback riding
Bungee Jumping
Hot air balloon ride
Take a flight class
Scary rollercoasters
Shark diving
Impossible Lettucible
Get your parents to go to therapy
Force fossil fuel companies to stop skull-fucking our planet
Find the cure for cancer (or your choice of disease!)